7 Tea Recipes for Water Retention

Water retention occurs when the body retains more water than usual. Water retention causes swelling in your body. The most common areas are hands, arms, legs, wrists, and feet. Many reasons such as consuming too much salt, being inactive, menopause, drug use, menstrual, pregnancy and malnutrition can cause water retention in various parts of the body. In such cases, we can remove excess fluid from our bodies with the help of various supplements. By consuming the natural tea recipes, we have put together for you, you will get rid of water retention, and you will feel lighter! Warning: If you are pregnant, do not consume these teas without consulting your doctor first.


1. Apple Lemon Tea

The fat-burning properties of lemon and the flamboyant scent of cinnamon combine to create a scrumptious mixture. Furthermore, it also helps you to get rid of water retention!


1 lemon

1 sprig of cinnamon

1 teaspoon of cloves

1 teaspoon of black pepper

2 or 3 liters of water


Chop off the apple and lemon into 4 parts with their skins and place them in a bowl. Then add cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper into it. Boil all the ingredients in 2 or 3 liters of water. Strain the mixture and put it in a bowl. Your delicious tea is ready to be served!


2. Parsley Tea

Would you have guessed that these three delicious ingredients will help you to get rid of the toxins?


2 lemons

1 lime

A bunch of parsley

1 tablespoon fennel


Slice the lemons without peeling them and add them to your pot. Chop the parsley very thinly and place it on the lemons. Add the fennel to the mixture you made and bring it to boil. After cooling down your tea, strain it and prepare to consume. Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?


3. Clove Tea

This delicious tea will fascinate you with its scent while helping to get rid of toxins in your body.


2 glasses of water

1 pinch of cornsilk

1 pinch of the cherry stalk

6 stalks of parsley

1 bag of green tea

2 cloves


Boil 2 glasses of water and put all the ingredients in the boiling water. After boiling for 4 minutes, strain the mixture and consume it warm. Do you already feel lighter?


4. Dandelion Tea

Dandelion helps you to get rid of water retention in your body with its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. You must try this delicious tea immediately!


1 glass of water

2 teaspoons dandelion

2-3 cloves


Add 2 teaspoons of dandelion to 1 glass of boiling water, which has been kept for a few minutes after boiling and let it steam for about 5 minutes by closing the lid. Then strain and add cloves to it. It is not recommended to add sugar or another tea because these sweeteners will reduce the effect of the tea. Your tea is ready to be served!


5. Cherry Stem- Stalk Tea

Thanks to its antioxidant effects, you will love the tea you will prepare from the cherry stalks, which fights the urinary tract infections and also helps you to get rid of water retention.


2 glasses of water

A large pinch of cornsilk

A large pinch of the cherry stalk

5-6 parsley with stems

Half a teaspoon of green tea with leaves

2 cloves


Add all the ingredients to the water you boiled in your pot and let it brew for 5 minutes. After straining the mixture, wait for it to cool down and your tea is now ready to be consumed!

If you don’t like to consume hot beverages during the summer, we also have iced tea recipes that will help you to get rid of water retention. While your iced tea will refresh you on one hand, it will also allow you to say goodbye to water retention. How wonderful is that?


6. Cucumber-Mint Iced Tea

Cucumber-Mint Iced Tea will help you to get rid of water retention, especially around your legs. Let's not go without saying that you need to prepare this tea a night before consuming it.


1 liter of water

10 fresh mint leaves

1 cucumber

1 lemon


Add mint leaves, sliced cucumbers, and a lemon to a liter of water in a glass jug. Leave the mixture at room temperature until morning. Then you can strain it and drink it regularly for 1 week. Don't forget to add ice before consuming it!


7. Iced Tea for Water Retention

The tea you will prepare with these mineral-rich foods will win your heart with its flavor and will be the enemy of water retention!


1 cup of brewed green tea

Lemon slices

1 slice of pineapple

1 cucumber

Mint leaves

2 glasses of water


Mix all the ingredients and keep them in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, then add ice if you want and enjoy. Try not to overconsume it!

If your motivation to stay in shape has increased with the approach of the summer season, try the water retention-relieving teas listed above, choose the one that suits your taste and welcome the summer season in shape!


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