Meeting Tactics to Increase Efficiency in Business Life: Seating Arrangement
Many people in business life, especially white-collar workers, spend a significant part of the day in meetings. Meeting rooms, where the most important company decisions are made and evaluations are made, are much more useful for employees if they are arranged ideally. When meeting rooms are prepared considering many criteria that vary depending on the number of participants, the purpose, and the duration of the meeting, they can ensure that the participants get the best efficiency. Let's have a look at the various seating styles in meetings and the advantages that they offer.
Alternative Seating Styles in Meetings
Preferred seating arrangements in meetings are determined according to the purpose of the meeting and the interaction requirement of the participants. Each seating arrangement has different advantages. The choice of seating arrangement varies depending on the purpose of the meeting and the number of participants. The aim here is to make participants feel comfortable, interact directly with each other, and increase efficiency as much as possible.
U Shaped Seating Arrangement
In a U-shaped seating arrangement, participants sit around a U-shaped table and the speaker is located in the middle of the U-shape. In this seating arrangement, the speaker, who can see each participant easily, has the ability to command the participants properly. This seating arrangement is especially preferred in situations that require leadership and direction during the meeting.
Circular Seating Arrangement
Participants take their places around the circular table so that everyone can see each other. When it is seated this way, each participant and the leader become in an equal position. This seating arrangement, where participants can see each other directly, increases interaction between people. In this way, it becomes easier to have the right to speak and hold the meeting in a more comfortable atmosphere.
Rectangular Seating Arrangement
In rectangular seating, participants gather around a rectangular table and the leader sits in a separate line from the participants. This seating arrangement, where critical decisions are made, strategic planning is made and the superior-subordinate relationship is more evident, is widely used in companies. This layout is especially preferred by large groups as it is more suitable for the structure of crowded meetings.
Theater Seating Arrangement
In this seating style, participants sit in straight rows, one behind the other. The leader is positioned in the front and mostly standing, visible to each participant. It is frequently preferred in meetings where direct information will be transferred, such as presentations or any training. It helps participants to focus on a single topic and a host. It has a question-answer dynamic between the leader and the participant so that the leader's interaction with the participants is not inadequate.
Common Features of Efficient Meetings, Even Though Seating Styles Are Different
Preferred seating styles at meetings vary depending on the purpose of the meeting and the relationship between the participants and the speaker. Even though the purpose of each meeting is different, some elements stand out for a productive meeting. Common features of productive meetings can be listed as follows:
- Providing adequate heat,
- Adjusting the lighting so that it does not tire the eyes,
- Positioning the sound systems in a way that is not harsh on anyone,
- Preferring comfortable sofas or chairs,
- Having enough refreshments according to the duration of the meeting.
Meeting Rooms That Offer a Great Experience in Your Business Life: Elite World Hotels & Resorts
Elite World Hotels & Resorts is ready to host guests with its unique meeting rooms that will delight you on your business trips! Meeting rooms, which open the door to your business trips and social organizations, are of various sizes, capacities, and numbers to suit different organizations. You can make your choice among these meeting rooms, where every detail has been considered meticulously, according to the purpose of your meeting and the number of participants.
The halls that you can choose to suit your meetings include:
- Meeting rooms that are designed in a U shape,
- Meeting rooms that are built around rectangular tables,
- Meeting rooms with mixed seating arrangements,
- Meeting rooms that are suitable for circular seating arrangements,
- Meeting rooms with theater seating designed for an effective presentation.
You can have sweet and savory biscuits, popcorn, coffee, and many other treats that are prepared to suit your taste during the meeting and during breaks. Ethernet or wireless high-speed internet access is also offered to you to speed up your work. Elite World Hotels & Resorts, which considers all the details that you require to make your meetings productive, is waiting for you with its meeting rooms with state-of-the-art equipment!