As time passed, new working models began to emerge in business life. Today, many different working models are being tried due to both the developing technology and the pandemic we are experiencing. 4 days a week, which is seen as the working system of the future in terms of work-life balance and productivity, is one of these models. First impressions about this system, which has started to be implemented in some countries, especially Belgium, have begun to form. Whether this working model will be permanent or not has led to some discussions in the world. Because, like every system, the four days a week working model has its advantages and disadvantages. So, what are these advantages and disadvantages? Let's take a brief look at the new working model before moving on to the pros and cons of the system.


What is the 4 Days a Week Working Model?

Haftada 4 Gün Çalışma Modeli Nedir

The 4-day working model, approved by the Belgian government on February 15, 2022, has begun to be tested by many countries in the world. This model, which adopts working from Monday to Thursday until the end of the working hours, offers employees a 3-day weekend break. The contribution of this model to business life for both employers and employees continues to be discussed. The history of this model dates back to the 1950s. In the 1950s, trade unions were called to introduce the 4-day-a-week model; however, the model emphasizing that employees will be more productive is just beginning to be implemented. Of course, there are different ideas about putting this model into practice.


Advantages of 4 Days a Week Working System

Haftada 4 Gün Çalışma Sisteminin Avantajları

This working system, which has just come to the fore in the world, has many advantages for both employers and employees:

● The 4-day-a-week working model improves employees' mental and physical health and increases their productivity. For this reason, it is predicted that sick leaves will decrease.

● The hectic pace of work in the globalizing world is not enough for many people to fully rest during the two-day weekend break. The 3-day weekend holiday provided with this model allows employees to devote more time to themselves and their families for social life.

● Thanks to this, the working system attracts and retains talented employees.

● The 4-day-a-week working model is seen as a very effective method of reducing workplace costs.

● This model asks, "How many hours does an employee work?" instead of the question, "How much value does the employee create?" raises the question. In other words, it focuses on what is produced, not how much time is worked in total per week.

● The system of working four days a week predicts less fatigue in the employees. In addition, this way supports the development of creative and innovative ideas instead of outdated, ineffective, and inefficient business ideas.


Disadvantages of 4 Days a Week System

As we mentioned above, there are many benefits to the employer and employee of the 4-day-a-week working model. But, of course, in addition to these advantages of the model, it is necessary to look at its disadvantages.

● This system casts doubt on the salaries and productivity of employees. As a result, some employers argue that a small salary cut should be made when this system is adopted.

● It does not seem possible to say that the system of working four days a week will be efficient for some sectors. At the forefront of these sectors are service, production, and logistics; these business lines have some physical limits in terms of service.

● If the working principle of 5 days a week, or even 6-7 days a week for some sectors, continues, companies that switch to the 4-day working system may experience delays.

● This operating system presents some challenges for businesses with complex workforce structures; because the business requirements of departments and departments within such companies can be very high.

● The 4-day-a-week system warns employees that their work commitment will decrease, causing them to distance themselves from their teams and managers.

● This system signals that employees who cannot fully connect with the company during their busy work schedule will be away from the work environment for one more day, and their turnover rate will increase.

● Employees who work four days a week focus on completing their tasks in less time, so they may not be present enough on issues such as cooperation, collaboration, and sharing within the company. That creates individuals who become lonely and selfish in the corporate environment.

 Although it has many advantages and disadvantages, we will see the efficiency of this working system over time.


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