
In the digitalizing world, we do most of our transactions over the internet and using technological applications. Thanks to these applications, we both make our life easier and save time. In addition to saving time, we also have the opportunity to do many transactions from our homes. Moreover, you can download these applications to make your work easier during the day with one click and make your life easier. So which one will you use for what? Let's take a look at the applications that make daily life easier.

1. Bundle

If you want to be aware of the schedule but prefer to see only the news you wish, Bundle is for you! The application, where you can see the news in the categories you specify, also sends the breaking news in these categories to your phone as a notification.


2. LastPass

Since we live in the digital age, we have many accounts and, along with these accounts, many passwords. It is pretty difficult to remember all these passwords. Making all passwords the same is not preferred as it will endanger security. At this point, LastPass offers you the opportunity to store your passwords. The password we will create for LastPass, which has both a mobile application and a website, is the only password we need to remember! You can avoid a big problem by saving your personal or professional account passwords in LastPass.


3. Storytel


At the end of a busy day, reading a book or anything can tire you out. You may not find time to read, but Storytel allows you to listen to a book while you work. Using the Storytel application, you can download the books you want and listen to them when there is no internet.


4. Logg

Don't let your memories stay in the past! You can write your memories online using Logg. So you can keep a kind of online diary. In this way, you will both preserve your memories and minimize the risk of loss.


5. Trello

Can't use your time effectively? Do the things you need to do always overlap? All this is now history! Trello will help you learn how to manage your time. With a simple, understandable, and helpful interface, Trello allows you to organize your time better.


6. TrackR

There may even be days when you forget to take your key while leaving the house due to the busyness of work or social life. It could even lead to losing your business key! In this case, finding your key takes a lot of time, not to mention the stress. TrackR has found the perfect solution to this problem. By attaching the IoT device, they have produced to your key ring.

7. Sworkit

When you work all week and get tired, you want to spend the weekend at home. But for a healthy life, you need to exercise or do sports both on weekdays and weekends. With Sworkit, you can do sports at any time and on the schedule you want, without the need to go to the gym when you are at home on the weekend or at work during the week. The application creates unique study plans for you according to the programs you choose. In addition, experienced trainers help you for a healthier life.


8. Meditopia

You need to control destructive emotions such as anger in your social life. While doing this, you can wear out during the day. Meditopia helps you meditate in the area you want. Even 20 minutes a day is enough for better social relations and a better day. Apart from all these, the practice, which has meditations that you can turn to yourself and inside, increases your awareness power.


9. Traffic

In the age of technology, where every transaction is getting faster and faster, the concept of time is much more critical than in the past. Although informatics is gradually eliminating the idea of space, it is still necessary to go from one place to another for daily needs or work. But in big cities, this is not easy. That is where Trafi comes into play. You can easily access the route and public transportation information by using this application, followed or queried in real-time.


10. Wunderlist

You can manage your complex and busy days in a more planned way. Wunderlist, a website, and a mobile application helps you plan all your projects, from your work life to your vacation schedule. Thanks to its easy and convenient interface, you can easily do these operations. Of course, the busyness of the day can make you forget important things you need to do, but Wunderlist's reminder feature keeps your information fresh at all times.


11. WhatsApp


Anyone not using WhatsApp? For those who still stay away, let's briefly introduce: WhatsApp; A short messaging application with a valuable and straightforward interface where you can send documents, images, audio, and links. There is also a status section where you can share your memories.


12. e-Devlet

The e-Devlet application, which you can use for your official documents and transactions, saves you time and money. It becomes pretty difficult to reach the relevant institutions to apply for official documents, especially if you are in a big city. The e-Devlet application, on the other hand, offers you the opportunity to download the copy you want, wherever you are instant. Thus, the process of dealing with bureaucracy is eliminated.


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