Iced Coffee Suggestions in Summer for Those Who Can't Give Up on Coffee

Although coffee is often thought of as a beverage that is consumed hot, iced coffees have become increasingly common in recent years. Iced coffees can be prepared by combining ingredients that are easily available and may help you cool down, especially when the summer heat hits. Furthermore, it makes you feel good at the same time!

You can easily try different flavors from classic iced coffee to flavored coffees that are prepared with the cold brew method. So how about preparing your drink with practical recipes and enjoying your refreshing iced coffee?


Iced Filter Coffee

If you say, "I cannot give up on classic tastes", then iced filter coffee is the right choice for you! With iced filter coffee, which is prepared quite easily, you will feel energetic while cooling off during the summer months.



6 tablespoons of filtered coffee

3 glasses of water

6 ice cubes



Put 6 tablespoons of filter coffee and 3 glasses of water into the filter coffee machine.

After brewing the coffee, wait for it to cool down.

After cooling, add 6 pieces of ice to your coffee and consume it while it is still cold.

Mint-Chocolate Iced Coffee

You can easily prepare Mint-Chocolate Iced Coffee, which will satisfy your sweet needs and help you to cool down. Offering a different and unique aroma, this coffee is a candidate to be one of your favorite beverages!



100 g dark chocolate

150 ml iced filter coffee

Ice cream

Mint syrup




Melt dark chocolate into the iced filter coffee.

After the mixture has completely cooled down, add the mint syrup to the coffee and mix the ingredients well.

After adding the ice cubes to an empty glass, slowly pour the mixture you have prepared on the ice.

According to your taste, add the ice cream of your choice to your coffee and consume it while it's cool.

Iced Caramel Latte

Prepared in cafe style, the iced caramel latte is ideal for those who like soft coffee. Furthermore, you can add whipped cream to the coffee according to your taste.



7 g of coffee

30 ml of water

A wee bit of caramel sauce (You can determine the amount according to your taste.)

150 ml of milk

6 ice cubes

Whipped Cream



To prepare espresso, place the coffee in the portafilter part of the coffee machine.

Place the espresso glass at the outlet of the water and pass the water through the coffee at 9 bar pressure for 30 seconds.

Then mix the espresso and caramel in a glass.

Then add the milk and ice cubes to the glass.

If you would like to, you can decorate the top of your coffee with whipped cream.


Banana Milk Coffee

When the sweet scent of banana and the unique taste of coffee unite with ice, an exquisite and refreshing flavor emerges without a doubt. You can go back to your childhood days with this recipe that will take only 5 minutes to prepare.



2 glasses of milk

1.5 tablespoons of granulated coffee

1 frozen banana

2 scoops of vanilla ice cream



Put the milk, granulated coffee, frozen banana, and vanilla ice cream in a blender.

Pass all the ingredients through the blender to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Consume your coffee before it gets warm!



For those who love Italian-style flavors, affogato would be a very crucial beverage. You can easily prepare affogato, which you can describe as "coffee on ice cream".



7 g of coffee

30 ml of water

2 scoops of vanilla ice cream

Caramel sauce or caramel syrup



Put 2 scoops of ice cream in a large glass.

Slowly pour the 40 ml of chilled espresso you have prepared over the ice cream.

If you would like to, you can decorate the affogato by adding caramel sauce or caramel syrup.

You Can Stop by Coffee Company for Iced Coffee During Summer

Elite World Hotels & Resorts, which provides the best service to its visitors with its hotels in various locations, is with you with Coffee Company when you want to enjoy your coffee! Stylishly designed with Italian architectural understanding, Coffee Company offers you unique flavors and a lovely resting area. When you visit the cafe during the summer months, you can try the homemade chocolates as well as the iced coffee varieties and you can take your coffee pleasure to the top.

You can make a reservation from the Coffee Company, which serves at Elite World Grand İstanbul Küçükyalı, Elite World İstanbul Florya, Elite World İstanbul Taksim, Elite World Grand İstanbul Basın Ekspres, Elite World Grand Sapanca and Elite World Van hotels, to have a little taste of the scrumptious iced coffees and chocolates with your loved ones. 

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