Istanbul is an unending novel, which has not been finalised yet and put to an end for thousand years by anybody. Istanbul addresses every different eyes looking at itself. Its each corner, each palm of soil and each window is full of different secrets. Every novel that was written in the name of Istanbul makes you aware of different corners in Istanbul. Istanbul has you asked questions putting your mind hard and keeps you fascinated for its natural beauties.
Even if there have been many poems, novels, stories, article, encyclopaedia and surveys written about this excellent city, make sure every new work of art indicates an Istanbul different than previous one. Istanbul is a city of golden paves thanks to its nature, history and endless sea and it forces its lovers to exile for difficulties it employed. We have issued for you list of 10 novels telling Istanbul. You may have a short tour of Istanbul if you read those attracting your attention.
Three Istanbul - Mithat Cevdet Kuntay
This novel is telling difficulties experienced during periods of constitutional monarchy, armistice and autocracy and opens three different gates in Istanbul. You may read Three Istanbul for learning about Istanbul and social life therein.
Peace -Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar
Tanpinar finds peace at the life of Mumtaz and Nuran and quotes love and peace from his point of view with readers. And Istanbul is protagonist of this novel and it contributes to Peace by its overall beauty and flamboyance. In this novel where disease, death, cosmic factors of civilisation were mixed each other, Peace becomes winner.
Trilogy of Slave City - Kemal Tahir
Work of art comprising combination of Books designated as Capture of Slave City, People of Slave City and Turnout talks about occupancy phases. With good experience of captivity and freedom, Kemal Tahir tells what he lived at Istanbul streets.
Heavy Novel - Metin Kacan
Metin Kacan almost bewitches readers in Heavy Novel, where he attracts attention to unknown and ignored aspects of Istanbul city. He tells real face of this city by talking about unattended colour and language of Istanbul and presents a breathless and readable novel.
Old fortress: Fatih's Novel - Nedim Gursel
You should spend a lot of time to look at Fatih's Istanbul and to live it by reading the conquest. Even if interest towards historical novels enhanced today, Old fortress wholly provides different taste with readers.
Istanbul Was A Fable - Mario Levi
Novel of Mario Levi telling Istanbul from point of view of a Jewish family quotes usual stories with sincere language and powerful expression.
House of Leyla - Zulfu Livaneli
Sole common point of Leyla and Roxy who sustain a different way of life is to live in Istanbul. They recognize that their other common point is loneness and diversity after introduction to each other. And Istanbul accompanies the couple with its all beauty, whose story started based on the aforementioned things.
Innocence Museum - Orhan Pamuk
Besides other features of Orhan Pamuk, particularly focusing on Istanbul stories, he tells Istanbul in his work of Innocence Museum. Kemal is protagonist of this novel, there, he starts seeking for love and affinity at streets in place of people and Istanbul suddenly converts into his love museum.
Istanbul Gift - Ahmet Umit
With its protagonist of Istanbul city, Istanbul Gift reaches first at heart of Ahmet Umit, later his pencil and furthermore at his readers. This novel makes you had detailed information about Istanbul and both fascinate and make you informed.
One Face of Istanbul - Refik Halit Karay
It comprises the World War I and Second Constitutional monarchy, and it tells with a different point of view impacts of alterations at that era on Istanbul. Heroes of the novel are residents who tried to get used to new Istanbul and adopt themselves with this new period of time. You will encounter many characters who blazed or died away in Istanbul when you read this novel.
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