Practical Ways to Enhance Your Memory

Amnesia is a very common problem that people of all ages can experience. Many factors, such as stressful life, focusing on more than one task at the same time, and having tasks that need to be kept up all the time, can cause memory impairment. Of course, many habits and daily routines also affect memory. To maintain cognitive health, it is necessary to move the memory like any other muscle in the body. Certain mental activities, habits, and diets can help preserve memory. Here are the tips to strengthen memory both in the short and long term!


Reduce Sugar Consumption

Many chronic health problems, including cognitive decline, are associated with sugar consumption. Studies show that eating sugar-rich diets weakens the brain's ability to store short-term memory. Adopting a Mediterranean diet by avoiding processed foods, especially sugar, plays an important role in improving memory.


Eat Foods That Are Very High in Omega-3

Although limiting sugary beverages is an important step to begin with, the way to strengthen memory is through a balanced diet. Fatty fish, especially rich in Omega-3 fatty acids; Consuming foods such as flaxseed and walnuts supports brain functions. These fatty acids, which are vital for brain health and functioning, can also be preferred as nutritional supplements. DHA and EPA-rich fish oil supplements taken under the doctor's control can improve short-term memory skills.


Try Meditation

Gray matter in the brain, which includes neuron cell functions, tends to decrease with age. This decrease negatively affects memory and cognition. In addition to the benefits it shows on holistic health, meditation also increases this gray matter in the brain. Also, raising awareness using mindfulness can help keep the hippocampus healthy and improve memory.


Pay Attention to Sleep Patterns

Poor quality and insufficient sleep weaken memory. Research on sleep quality shows that insufficient sleep negatively affects memory. Sleep enables short-term memories to be strengthened and transformed into long-term memories. Therefore, it is necessary to get enough sleep in order for the memory's ability to consolidate memories to remain active. Experts state that an average of 7 to 9 hours of regular sleep is necessary for most adults.


Empower Your Mind While Getting Entertained

Solving different puzzles, playing word-finding games, solving sudoku, and even playing Tetris strengthens memory. Some mobile applications that turn into mind training can reduce the risk of dementia while preserving memory. Some video games that help improve hand-eye coordination can also have positive effects on cognitive memory. The word picture game can also be played to preserve memory. In this game, the spelling of a word is visualized in the mind, and then new words that start (or end) with the same letter are derived. Pen and paper are not used throughout the game.


Get New Hobbies

The more memory is used, the stronger it gets. Therefore, it is necessary to keep it active by acquiring new skills. Since all learning processes that take the individual out of their comfort zone require attention, they strengthen memory. Learning to play chess, starting a new instrument, and learning a different language are among these activities. In addition, learning to cook allows you to use different parts of the brain at the same time. Cooking a new dish requires organizing and multitasking as well as sensory (taste, smell, touch, sight) effects. This can positively affect memory with active cognitive skills.


Engage in Different Physical Exercises

Regular exercise protects both mental and physical health. Experts on the subject state that in addition to physical activity, different sports branches especially strengthen memory. Tai Chi exercises with racquet sports that strengthen fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination significantly support memory. Similarly, aerobic exercises that increase balance and physical capacity can protect the brain against the negative effects of aging. In addition to yoga and golf, swimming is among the sports branches that increase cognitive activity.


Test Your Memory

In order to keep the memory alive, it is necessary to repeat what you have learned as well as to learn something new. Thanks to repetition, the connection created between neurons are strengthened, and the information is stored in memory more easily. That's why memory is tested with a checklist. For this test, a short list is prepared, such as a shopping or to-do list, and this list is memorized. After a few hours, it is checked how many items are remembered from the list. This practical method is initially implemented with lists of simple items, but over time it becomes more difficult to defy memory.


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