7 Fairytale Destinations to Take Winter Photographs

The ancient and deep-rooted lands on which we live promise a different beauty in every season. In the winter months, the beauty of these lands is literally doubled. Natural beauties covered with white snow, lakes, trees, and much more promise unique photo frames. Here are great destinations where you can take beautiful winter photos!



Cappadocia is a miracle of nature that was formed about 60 million years ago! Güllüdağ is an epic region formed by the ash and lava erupted by Mount Hasan and Erciyes, shaped over time by the effects of both wind and rain. Cappadocia, which has an enchanting beauty, reinforces its fairy-tale atmosphere with the effect of balloons flying over it. Fairy Chimneys are one of the most famous symbols of the region. Cave hotels and underground cities accompany the fairy chimneys. Cappadocia is also known as the "Land of Beautiful Horses". The reason for this is the Yılkı horses in the region. In short, Cappadocia, with all its beauties, is a great destination for capturing postcard-like snapshots during the winter months.


Abant Lake

Abant is one of the first places that come to mind when talking about a winter destination in Turkey. Located within the borders of the city of Bolu, Abant is also preferred by the people of Istanbul and those living in other cities close to Bolu for weekend getaways. Abant Lake, which is completely frozen during a certain period of winter months, helps those who love to take pictures to capture fascinating frames. Let's not go without saying that the general atmosphere of Abant, which is covered with white, is also quite impressive, apart from the frozen lake.


Çıldır Lake

When the harsh face of winter begins to show its effect in our country, Çıldır Lake turns into a completely different world. Horses galloping with sleds in the company of the frozen Çıldır Lake and the fish that are caught by piercing the ice stand out as the strongest symbols of this other world. Capturing activities that are literally like a fairy tale offers you unique photo frames. You can also bring the vast white atmosphere of Çıldır Lake to your photos.



Located in the city of Van, Akdamar is located exactly on the island of Lake Van. Akdamar Church is one of the most important examples of the region, which displays inspiration from Armenian architecture. Lying against both Lake Van and the majestic Mount Artos, Akdamar offers a unique view under the white snow. Thus, the unique landscape of Akdamar turns into a powerful island to decorate your photo frames during the winter months.



Kars Sarıkamış, the hometown of crystal snow! This completely different snow falling on Sarıkamış creates a picture as if the stars have descended to the ground. Sarıkamış, which takes on a fairy-tale atmosphere when covered with white snow, takes you out of the world you live in. Sarıkamış, one of the first places that come to mind when it comes to winter destinations in Turkey, offers pictures like a postcard.


Yedigöller (Seven Lakes)

Yedigöller is our second stop in Bolu on our list of prominent winter destinations. Yedigöller, which takes on a completely different beauty in every season, exhibits a supernatural beauty in the winter months. Yedigöller, which fascinates its visitors with its oxygen reservoir forests, is also an extremely suitable destination for photographing in the winter months. In Yedigöller, which has been in the status of a National Park since 1965, you can capture many frames that will color your photos. If you wish, you can extend your embrace of nature by staying in wooden houses.



The sine qua non of winter destination lists in Turkey is, of course, Sapanca Lake. Although it is an ideal address to visit and photograph in all seasons of the year, it is a completely fascinating structure in winter. Sapanca Lake, under the snow, can create a postcard effect in your photos with its ambiance.


For a Peaceful Winter Holiday: Elite World Grand Sapanca

You can stay at Elite World Grand Sapanca to do more than take photos and enjoy a peaceful stay in the heart of nature. Elite World Grand Sapanca, located in a special location where blue and green meet, with lush trees on its back and Sapanca Lake in front of it, offers a unique nature holiday. Opening its comfortable rooms with a Sapanca Lake view to its guests, the hotel promises an unforgettable winter holiday. You can visit Elite World Grand Sapanca to reserve your place at the hotel or to get more information.


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