Pilates Exercises at Home

Pilates Exercises at Home

With the popularization of healthy life and introversion practices recently, Pilates, which has many different versions, consists of sessions that vary from person to person. However, some constant movements form the basis of Pilates. And these moves are pretty simple. You can also create an exercise routine with pilates movements to be done at home.


Breath Is Very Important In Pilates

Although breathing is an action we do 86400 times a day, a correct breath taken with awareness is an essential part of Pilates. Conscious and correct breathing is one of the most fundamental points in Pilates. Because Pilates aims to increase the body's awareness, and proper breathing allows you to activate the right muscles.


Stretching Movements

Stretching movements are an integral part of Pilates. Stretching has many benefits for the body and mind. Stretching the muscles helps you feel more motivated and energetic by increasing blood circulation. It helps you feel more energetic and happy when you do it in the morning and a more in-depth and more effective sleep process when you do it before going to bed. Here are simple but effective home pilates movements that provide flexibility to the body.


Cat-Cow Pose

For this movement, a neutral position is taken with the hands and knees on the mat.

In this position, the abdomen is pulled first, and the hip and neck are turned to the ceiling. This pose is called the "cat pose."

Then, on the contrary, the back is humped, and the neck is turned to the ground. This pose is called the "cow pose."

Transitions between these two poses are repeated at regular intervals in a flow direction.


The Rising Swan Pose

This pose is done in preparation for the swan pose. It is a movement that stretches and strengthens the core region, namely the abdominal muscles.

For this pose, first, the whole body is put on the mat face down.

Then the body is gently lifted from the ground by placing the hands on the mat on both sides of the chest, and the whole upper body is stopped at the point where the mat is lifted.

The pose is repeated in a specific flow.


Child Pose

Child pose is usually a resting pose after challenging poses in pilates exercises. However, the child pose alone is an instrumental movement that stretches the spine and back and works the arm muscles.

To enter the child's pose, first sit on the mat with the hips on the knees.

Then the head and arms are placed on the ground, reaching forward.

Staying in this position for a long time creates a very relaxing and empowering effect.


Muscle Focused Power Movements

Although Pilates seems to consist of very soft and graceful movements, it is advantageous in muscle building and strengthening. Thanks to the muscle-focused exercises in Pilates, it is possible to improve the body's core and all other muscle groups.


Half Shuttle Movement

Half-sit-up is one of the most effective exercises for the "core" area.

For half-sit-ups, which are also frequently used in training forms such as fitness and CrossFit, first lie on the mat on your back.

The trick is that there is no gap between the spine and the mat.

Then bend the knees and press on the mat.

With support from the arms, the head and shoulders extend to the knees.

The number of repetitions and sets of this movement is determined according to the level of Pilates.


Tilting Leg Raise

This movement is also frequently used during ballet exercises. Although it is an especially inner leg-focused exercise, it also strengthens the lateral abdominal muscles. The "left leg lift" movement, which helps the pelvic muscles stretch, is a beneficial preparation movement for opening the legs and eagle.