Istanbul's Meeting Point The Story of Caddebostan Coast

Istanbul's Meeting Point The Story of Caddebostan Coast

The story of Caddebostan Beach

Caddebostan Beach has this radiant energy and positioning as well as an exciting story. Not far from the 18th century! Caddebostan was covered with trees and fields in the 18th century. The land in this way to hide the illegal harladı. In order to provide security against the fugitives in Caddebostan, the patrol patrols; (The word a Bostan bu means the police) so the region was called “Bostan”. After a while, Cemal Pasha bought this coastline. After 1750, groceries started to be sold, and houses were built. By the 1930s it had become a neighbourhood. For a while, it was called ’Caddebostanı’. With the passing time, the last letter "ı" dropped and became Caddebostan.


The story of Ragıp Paşa Mansion

In addition to this exciting story of Caddebostan, the story of Ragıp Pasha Pavilion in Caddebostan is among the curiosities. August Jasmun designed Ragip Pasha Mansion. August Jasmund is the person who built Sirkeci Train Station. Ragip Pasha, known as the Mabeyin of Sultan Abdulhamid II, was formerly at the seaside. With the road made away from the sea. Ragıp Pasha could not sit in the house enough because he was exiled to Rhodes in 1908. A single-storey stone building still on the street where the mansion was located was the salute of the mansion.