History of The Statue of Honor

History of The Statue of Honor

Samsun has a unique place in the history of the republic as the city where the War of Independence began, and the torch of independence was lit. There are many monuments symbolizing this long and epic struggle. The Statue of Honor is one of the first monuments of the young Republic of Turkey and is one of these unique sculptures. The monument, whose story is quite interesting, goes beyond reflecting the gratitude and love shown by the people of Samsun to Atatürk and emphasizes the total struggle of people. Let's learn the history of the Statue of Honor together which embodies heroism and justified pride in every detail.


The Statue of Honor Dedicated to Atatürk by the People of Samsun

Kâzım Paşa, the governor of Samsun at the time, decided to have a statue built right next to the pier in İlkadım district, where Atatürk landed in Samsun. An agreement was reached with Austrian sculptor Heinrich Krippel in 1927 for the statue to be dedicated to Atatürk on behalf of the people of Samsun, for an expense of 37,000 dollars and a labor fee of 5,500 dollars. Krippel, who started the construction of the statue in 1928, completed it in 1931 and sent it to Turkey on a German ship.

Heinrich Krippel, the architect of the Statue of Honor is an important name in terms of Turkish architectural history. He took part in the construction of seven monuments in Turkey, where he stayed periodically until 1938. Krippel, who came to Turkey at the invitation of the government in 1925, prepared the drafts of monuments and statues in Turkey and produced them in his workshop in Austria after receiving approval.

Although the statue was planned to be opened on January 10, 1932, the anniversary of the İnönü victory, it was opened with an official ceremony on January 15, 1932, due to some problems. At the opening ceremony, which started with the National Anthem of the ceremonial band at 14.00, the governor of the period, members of parliament and architect Krippel made speeches. In his speech, Krippel expresses his satisfaction for being here and expresses that he is glad that the state officials and the public appreciated the statue. Thus, the Statue of Honor takes its place in history as Turkey's thirteenth statue and Krippel's fourth statue in Turkey.

The Statue of Honor, Symbol of the War of Independence, and Atatürk's Unique Command

The Statue of Honor prepared using bronze casting material and placed on a pedestal, adds both an artistic and emotional meaning to the silhouette of the city with its reliefs and the noble stance of Atatürk wearing a marshal's uniform. Atatürk, depicted on a prancing horse, is seen facing west, confident and with his arm reaching for his sharp sword.

On both sides of the rectangular prism-shaped pedestal, the struggle of the heroic Turkish people in the War of Independence is depicted. In one of them, the moment of victory of Atatürk with his head held high and hand in hand with his people, is symbolized. Young people, old people and children are depicted around Atatürk, emphasizing that the war was won by the struggle of the whole nation. In the other relief, there are people carrying bullets next to the boat and a gun carriage behind the people. It is also possible to see various information about the monument on the pedestals. On one side of the pedestal, it is written that Atatürk started the War of Independence by landing in Samsun on May 19, 1919, dedicated to the Speech and on the other side, it is written that the monument was erected in 1931.


Elite World Comfy Samsun Atakum While Feeling the Spirit of the Republic

This year the Republic of Türkiye turned 100 years old. In Samsun, where the independence began, the republic memories that surround the entire face of the city are flooded with visitors this year, as always. If you would like to experience the spirit of the War of Independence, you should definitely add Samsun to your travel route. Elite World Comfy Samsun Atakum is a great option for a pleasant stay during your visit to Samsun! Beyond meeting your needs, the hotel also fascinates you with the unique Black Sea view it offers. It offers an unforgettable holiday opportunity with its rooms of different sizes, Alizya Restaurant with a sea view and Fit Life & SPA where you can relieve your tiredness. If you would like to have an unforgettable accommodation experience where you will be surrounded by full of green accompanied by the wild waves of the Black Sea, you can contact Elite World Comfy Samsun Atakum right away to make a reservation.